Empower your Organization by evaluating your teams' conflict risks effectively.

In teams, relational dynamics and conflicts, inherent in organizations, are amplified by close interdependence. Shared goals intensify pressure, requiring clear rules for communication and conflict management. The challenge starts with team composition, demanding optimal integration of skills and fostering cohesion. A key player is the team leader, pivotal in guiding focus, addressing challenges, and fostering a positive, secure environment. Their leadership ensures smooth operations and effective collaboration within the team. Unleash team potential with its insights.

The OCRA-Organizational Conflict Risk Analysis Team test considers 10 specific risk factors for internal team dynamics in addition to the general ones within the Organization.

TEAM test benefits


Early identification

Assessing conflict risk helps identify potential issues within the team before they escalate, allowing for timely intervention and resolution.


Proactive conflict-management

It enables the team to proactively address conflict triggers and develop strategies to manage conflicts effectively, reducing their negative impact.


Increased resilience

Teams become more adaptable and resilient to challenges by understanding conflict risks, enabling them to navigate conflicts while maintaining productivity and morale.


Boost performance

A team with strong conflict resilience tends to experience improved productivity and performance, as conflicts are addressed swiftly and constructively, minimizing disruptions.

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