Employ in Human Resources management

Benefits for HR management


Optimized efficiency

OCRA-Organizational Conflict Risk Analysis aids HR consultants in identifying conflict-prone areas and implementing preventative measures. This optimization enhances overall organizational efficiency, reducing the time and resources spent on resolving conflicts and allowing the workforce to focus on strategic objectives.


Resources allocation

By utilizing the analysis model, HR can allocate resources strategically, focusing efforts on critical areas prone to conflicts. This targeted allocation enhances resource utilization, ensuring a cost-effective approach to conflict management.



OCRA-Organizational Conflict Risk Analysis provides data-driven insights that aid in making informed decisions regarding conflict resolution strategies. This informed decision-making process ensures more effective and efficient resolutions, aligning with organizational objectives.


Employee engagement

 Conflict mitigation contributes to a positive work culture, fostering higher employee engagement and satisfaction. Employees feel heard and supported, promoting a more collaborative and productive workplace.

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